
We start the year very cold and eager to show you new recipes , give you ideas to cook your weekly menus, always keeping them healthy and as affordable as possible.

Last year we offered you several recipes made with potatoes, and one that you seemed to really like was this recipe by Lorraine Pascale from Hasselback Potatoes , another recipe that surprised many of our readers was this recipe (originally from Grupo Tragaluz) from Bhutan potatoes .

Today's recipe is a classic in winter recipes, those of you who go to France At this time of year, you are sure to know this dish: Tartiflette . The tartiflette is a dish basically made up of potato and cheese but it is cooked in such a way that it will make you melt instantly when you taste it.

It is usually made with Reblocho cheese, a washed rind cheese, with a fairly strong smell but a mild flavor (quite milder than its smell). If you can't find this cheese in the supermarket (they usually have it in almost all of them), you can use Brie or Emmental but if you have the opportunity, try it because it is the touch of the recipe.

Potatoes are a very important point in the dish, so you must choose new potatoes, let's think that we are going to cook them with skin so we must wash them well before cooking them.


  • 200g smoked bacon
  • 300g onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 30 ml of white wine
  • 650 g of potatoes (if it is new potato better)
  • 300 g Reblochon cheese (or Brie-type cheese)
  • 150 ml of liquid cream
  • salt and pepper
  • rosemary (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC.
  2. Fry the bacon together with a tablespoon of olive oil until it is golden (according to how you like it more or less toasted), we reserve it.
  3. Cut the onion into slices and fry it together with four tablespoons of olive oil and the garlic in it. skillet in which we have fried the bacon, over medium heat. Let them brown and add the white wine, letting it evaporate until it is consumed.
  4. While the onion is cooking, wash the potatoes very well and cut them into slices half a centimeter thick.
  5. Put the potato slices in a cast aluminum pot together with a sprig of rosemary and a little salt, cover them with cold water and put over high heat. When it starts to boil we will calculate five minutes, then we will remove them from the heat and let them drain.
  6. Add the bacon to the onions and remove the excess oil (if any).
  7. Cut the cheese into thin slices (we don't remove the rind but if you don't like it you can do it yourself); we reserve.
  8. In the pan where you are going to bake it (we have chosen to use individual cast aluminum pans ), put a layer of potatoes on the bottom, another layer of bacon and onion, add salt and pepper, put another layer of potatoes and another layer of bacon and onion. Sprinkle with liquid cream on top and finally put a good layer of cheese on top that occupies the entire saucepan.
  9. Put the casseroles in the oven preheated to 200ºC and bake for about 30 minutes or until you see that the cheese has taken on a golden color.

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