Round of veal with nuts and grid potatoes, Recipe for Christmas

If we are told to think of Christmas, we are sure to think of parties, gifts and meals. One of the traditional dishes during Christmas is meat in sauce. It is a simple recipe in its elaboration, which allows us to prepare it in advance, what is more, it is advisable to make it the day before so that all the flavors have rested and blend better.


  • 1 round of veal 800 g
  • 2 onions
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 3 plum tomatoes
  • 14 pitted prunes
  • 100 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • 250 ml of dry sherry wine (white wine, cognac…)
  • 250 ml of chicken broth (or 250 ml of water)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Potatoes
  • almonds, hazelnuts
  • 150ml Pedro Ximénez
  • 50 ml of Priorat wine vinegar


  1. We ask our butcher to serve the round for us, or we can also do it ourselves at home.
  2. In a 28 cm low Prior saucepan , add a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and seal the round over high heat on all sides.
  3. Remove and reserve the round on a tray. Add the rest of the oil to the Prior low saucepan 28 cm.
  4. Julienne the 2 onions, peel the head of garlic and crush them with the help of a knife. We fry them over medium heat in the saucepan.
  5. Wash the plum tomatoes under the tap and cut them into 4 pieces each. When the onion is well poached (approximately 15 minutes) we incorporate them, along with the prunes.
  6. Introduce the piece of beef round, pour the glass of dry sherry and the glass of broth. Let it cook over medium low heat for 45 minutes. We have put a probe in it to control the interior temperature, and when it reached 68ºC it was ready. We are turning it over so that it cooks everywhere equally.
  7. We remove the round and let it cool to be able to cut it better.
  8. Pass the sauce through the food mill and return it to the low Prior saucepan. 28 cm.
  9. In a Prior frying pan add the Pedro Ximenez together with the vinegar and let it reduce over medium-low heat until the sauce thickens. Add a handful of chopped toasted almonds and hazelnuts, stir and remove from heat.
  10. Peel the potatoes and wash them under the tap.
  11. With the help of a mandolin, cut them into grid shapes. In a In a high Prior saucepan , add plenty of extra virgin olive oil and when they reach 180ºC, fry them until golden brown. Take them out and let them drain the oil in a colander. We salt lightly. We do the same process until we have all the chips that will be served cold.

Photos and recipe by MJ .

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